Friday, June 20, 2014

So I guess I'm writing a book.

Ever since I met my hubs, Corey, I was fascinated with these stories he would tell of his travels. I met him at his ripe ol' age of 23, and me at 21 thought it was amazing all the adventures he'd already had. I mean sure, I got to go to Venice for a month- but he walked the Oregon coast with no "adult" supervision. Who does that? Who lives in a tree for six months? For real it was largely entertaining listening to these crazy times that were barely behind him. Turns out that there's this whole subculture that I refer to as "transient hippies." Maybe that's an official term that other people use but I don't know. These are kids (use that term as loosely as possible, most are really gettin' up there age-wise) who through differing circumstances choose (or maybe not choose) to live kind of a homeless lifestyle, travel around, and every summer come together for the Rainbow Gathering. Coincidentally this year it is being held just about two hours from where I live. I am still debating whether or not to go to get firsthand opinions and stories from those who ritualistically attend, for the sake of this project. Every time I've met one of these peeps, after mentioning a few key instances from Corey's days at the gatherings, they know who he is by reputation. People still do things he started and I think that's fascinating. So crazy.
Since the first few stories were shared with me, I've urged Corey to WRITE THESE DOWN as I always thought they would make a fantastic book. It's now been 11 (ELEVEN!) years and he's done nothing. I bought him books on 'how to write your life,' and still nothing. So I'll do it instead. Starting on this blog, then moving to print. I've learned that writing nonfiction and finding a publishing agent then a publisher is a different beast than writing fiction. Lucky fiction writers get to leisurely  write their stories and present their work to the agent or publisher much like I present my newborn babes to the facebook world (Look what I made! Do you love it???). Nonfiction writers get to prove there's going to be an interest in their respective subjects, so the agents can tell the publishers of all the $$$ they'll be making, all before they even write the book! I guess that's what the internet is for.
Here it is, my buzz starter. Feel free to share with people, everything else gets shared these days, right? I once spent way too much of my time watching a cat in a shark costume riding a robot vacuum that was chasing a duck. I love you, internet. Also, follow this blog.
Also, if you happen to be a person that went on travels with the hubs then I'll be by sometime in the near or far future to get your side of the story, cause it's awesome.